Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Do I want to start blogging again?

 Do I want to start blogging again?

Was I suddenly inspired to blog this week, seeing a writing blog by my current mentor, and a travel blog for a place I want to visit?

Why, yes. That is how this came about.

So I might as well give it a shot, right? Even if it is just chronicling the mundanities of my own everyday life, interspersed with some points of interest.

Is it possible that I will make this blog post and wait another 10 years to post? Of course. But why not give it a shot, if the mood is striking today. (Or maybe the mood struck this evening because I have a deadline tonight!)

Perhaps I will see you soon, or perhaps not.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Temporary Website

Hey guys!

Temporarily my website can be found at!

Everything is the same except the url! I'm working on a better website, but if you guys have any suggestions, please let me know!


Friday, May 24, 2013

Spring 2013

I can do the blogging thing, right? Sure! What's up with me:

I made an Etsy! You can now buy my things! Hooray! This has been a long time in the making, and frankly just a scary process for me. It's like jumping into the pool - scary at first but fine once you're in. Except I never jump or dive into the pool... so you can see my problem here.

It's under "Auroratorealis" for now, but any other shop names would be greatly appreciated.

This past weekend I went to EarthFest for the first time! I can check that off my life-list now, so that's nice. And that also checks off going to the Hatchshell. 

The weekend before that I went to the Watch City Steampunk Festival in Waltham... and bought lots of tea and leather, and ate pie in a cone. 

Me and Ngan as Sherlock and Watson

And the weekend before that was Medfield Greening Day, where Deadfield Craft Society attempted to sell stuff. 

I only sold one little thing, but that's better than nothing! Now that I've finally set up my Etsy store I'm hoping I'll be better at finishing things and posting them! Hope I'll be back on here again soon!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Website!

Hey guys, if you want to see my portfolio, please check out my new website:


So exciting! Also, any comments/ suggestions on my website would be lovely; please leave them here!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I got a temporary holiday position at the mall at one of my favorite stores this season because I wanted to fill up my time with something more productive! What I couldn't have expected was loving working there, going to their holiday party in Boston, and getting 3rd place for their costume contest and leaving with a runner up prize! 

I thought I didn't have anything appropriate for the party in my closet - I guess I was wrong! I pinned up my hair short, wore a cloche and long pearls, fun shoes, gloves, and a real fur to tie it together! 
It was such a fun party! The theme was "Boardwalk Empire"/prohibition era. They had gambling and girls walking around with trays of candy cigarettes. I'm so glad I went! Since then, I've ended up keeping the job after the holiday season, which is great on so many levels.

Also around this time my neighbor commissioned me to make her a scarf for Christmas, and then had her friend commission me for three! Whenever I wasn't working at the mall or at my weaving job, I was trying to cram in those! I barely finished them on time.

And here's the picture I received from the woman who commissioned them from me! I'm glad her family liked them.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Connecticon 2012

Cosplays from Connecticon 2012! Since I am way behind, I'm doing this now because any later than this I wouldn't think I can justify putting them up!

Effie Trinket and Katniss Everdeen
A professional photographer at the con actually took a picture of us and eventually we found it! (see their gallery here)

My friend Katie wearing my Kaylee (Firefly) outfit. 

My new Abby Sciuto costume! (NCIS)

I'm convinced, if ever introduced, these two characters would be best friends. 

Thursday, December 13, 2012


I finally feel like I have something to say. This week has been quite eventful. I went to the annual town tree lighting; I've been doing really well at my new job; Milk passed away, I was sorry to hear, RIP; I've been working on weaving commissions for a neighbor and a stranger; I went harolding at seven in the morning when I showed up too early for work and found weeping angels in the cemetery; I won a raffle and visited some old friends; walked from Coolidge Corner to Chestnut Hill; received some handmade arm warmers I fell in love with, in exchange for happily being a pack mule, and got offered a job. And tonight the Hobbit comes out! This weekend is our family party and I'm looking forward to that too. I feel like stuff is finally happening. It'll probably stop happening soon.